Let your wallpaper express who you are! Unconventional wallpapers have a special and dominant effect on a room, which is why adorning your walls with an eccentric pattern can often create magic. Whether you have chosen a bold print to emphasize a feature wall or you are creating a ‘dress to impress’ approach wall-to-wall, we have selected our boldest prints to satisfy your creative appetite…..and remember it’s only unconventional until you put it up!
Wawani Birds is a wonderfully alive seamless wallpaper pattern, that is sure to breathe life into anywhere it is installed. Light, loose and relaxing this adorable wallpaper is perfect for any setting.
This pattern is a collection of creatures from under the sea, created as part of a set of patterns. No scaly or slimy creatures here – these brightly patterned dudes are fancy free – enjoying a sea change. The pattern uses a coherent style, drawing on folk art patterning and graphic techniques across the character groups.
Plus sign is a delightful print, which delivers a combination of cool and classic to the modern interior.
Ooh la la! A stunning designer wallpaper that in turn is aesthetically pleasing, educational and informative. Vintage French Maps is a contemporary twist on those classrooms from bygone days where the walls were covered in maps.
Watercolour Birds is a stimulating watercolour pattern that is truly a breath of fresh air. All colours of the rainbow scattered lovingly across this homage to our winged friends.
Let us know your favorites in the comments below!