She just hated it from the moment it was done. It was so dark and drab and she especially disliked the finish on the cabinets. It did not reflect her style at all and she always felt a bit embarrassed of this particular room when she had guests over. She just had no mojo to try and make it look nice.
She had been thinking for ages that what it really needed was some dramatic wallpaper to jazz it up and she had ordered some samples but hadn’t really found anything that got her excited. So they just sat there and Nikki continued to feel glum whenever she looked at this room.
Then she was scrolling Instagram one evening and saw that the fabulous and very talented Kitty Mccall had done a collaboration with wallpaper specialists Milton and King and she knew immediately that this was the answer!

There are six designs in the collection and she loved all of them but in the end decided on the Hockney as she thought it would work best with her questionable cabinetry colour.
The wallpaper arrived from Milton and King in October and she was set to go. She had toyed with the idea of putting it up herself but she couldn’t work out how to deal with the wall hung sink and it was such beautiful paper that she didn’t want to mess it up, so she got in touch with all of the decorators in her little black book and reached out to friends to see if they could recommend someone to help.
Three months, three let down decorators and a teeny bit of frustration later, a lovely follower on her Instagram account Hexadot Designs hooked her up with Adam who, for £300 and a couple of Ubers, had the wallpaper up in a day.
What a wonderful job he did. Just look at the difference!!!

The wallpaper was great quality and Adam said that it was nice to work with and put up. It is paste the wall type.

It’s amazing what a difference just changing one thing can make to a room. A complete transformation! Nikki couldn’t be more delighted with it and now every time she walk past, it brings a smile to her face.